Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rant Rant Rant (lol kidds)

Eeeeyyyyyy! Imagine me saying that like an Italian American. Good. You're well on your way to becoming popular.

So I guess this is my first actual blog post, seeing as everything else so far has been either stories, poems or bullshit. Ooh lets not forget the updates, they're very important.
Anypoo, it's like 5 AM right now, I don't know how or why I'm awake, but I am, so imma gonna blogger about it. First of all, what the hell happened to the formatting for this stupid site? Everything's white and bland. I don't feel a PISS of creativity whilst looking at this disgusting page. I'm not even sure what this will look like on the actual page. EEEYYYYY, the sun just came up. That's the cool thing about Summers in Britain. So. How are you? Please tell me. I'm awful lonely out here. Hey, you know what you should do? You should tell me what kind of stuff you wanna see here. I can do anything, honest. Yeah, that's right, I'm talking to you, my only fan. You'll probably ignore me. Tell you what. If you don't say anything within a month I will commit suicide and terminate the blog. OR MAYBE YOU'D JUST GET KICKS OUT OF THAT. YOU SICK BASTARD. I'm sorry. I shouldn't take it out on you. It's my fault. Say, how about we go out for some dinner tonight? Just you and me. I just want you to know we're cool, alright? I wish you were here..

HAH! This was all an elaborate ruse! If you want to know what I REALLY meant to say, take every 5th word and discover the hidden message! It will explain everything. Trust me.


  1. You wasted my time with that hidden message. Here's something I wanna see. LESS LIES.

    1. You just ruined it for EVERYBODY ELSE. Which is no one I guess..
