Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hey y'all
Nothing much for the first post of the year; I'm rather busy with schoolwork. Tis a great and terrible shame. By the way, this is the first time I've used blogger on a portable device so I have no idea how it's going to turn out. Exciting.

Anyway, Jimmy's inspirational message for today is 'never underestimate a smile'. Now what the dickens brought this about, I hear you cry. Well..

It all started this morning. I was walking to school because I'm sick of reckless lower school students nearly killing themselves underneath my bike wheels when I cycle. 'Surely this is your fault' you shout out as cheese puffs spew from your fat cheeks. Well no, it isn't. Yes, it's perfectly legal for people to walk down roads without using the pavement/sidewalk, despite how pointless it is to do so. But that's not the problem, the problem is when they cross from walking on the road on one side to walking on the road on the other side without so much as a glance behind them. Then, worst of all, when the poor cyclist screeches to a halt inches from them, or otherwise collides with them, the prick has the nerve to say 'watch where you're going, you fucking moron'. But I digress...

So I passed my neighbour on the way whom happened to smile at me for the first time since my moving back to England. Considering she had smiled at me several times in the past I was relatively unaffected, but it put somewhat of a spring in my step until I remembered I had 3 hours of geography to look forward to. Fortunately geography was my only lesson of the day so I left school shortly after. I'm sure everyone is accustomed to the awkward moment when you see someone approaching you in the opposite direction who makes it very obvious they don't know what to do as they pass you, so they usually perform one of the following actions: look in all directions other than at you, look straight down at the floor, pull out their phone, momentarily quicken their pace, or glance briefly at you before doing one of said actions. But! Today, as I turned a corner, I was met by a rather posh looking woman one would usually associate with snobbish scum. However, she looked straight into my eyes and smiled. Admittedly I can look quite serious some of the time, but I couldn't help but smile back. Anyway, I felt great from then on. All the stress I had felt for the duration of the morning was relinquished and I found myself smiling at just about anyone who walked past me. It seems smiles really are infectious.

Unfortunately most of the people I passed were doing that awkward thing I was talking about so I didn't get many reactions. There was, however, this woman that was backing out of a parking space on the side of the road that I stopped for, but she let me cross and smiled. It was quite a nice smile too, not to sound creepy or anything.

Then there was this guy I passed who had a bit of a swagger in his walk, like a gangster or something. So, I smiled at him and he was one of the people who actually caught sight of my smile, but alas, he looked around in apparent confusion and made a few dumbfound noises, to which I instinctively burst out laughing.

Well that's about it, I'm in quite a good mood now. But before you go thinking I've gone soft and poofy I should say I came across this adorable little girl with bunches in her hair, being led along on a little lead by her parent/carer and for a moment I had this urge to pick her up off the ground and toss her in front of a lorry that just so happened to be passing. Then I imagined myself swinging her around on the little lead above my head. But I must say this time I did think 'what the hell, brain' which I guess makes it alright.

So remember to smile!
And don't kill children. It could get you in trouble.

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