Monday, March 11, 2013


Okay, so it's about 3 AM here in this freezing cold market town and I'm up because my geography teacher had the decency to set a fucktonne of work to do over the weekend, despite it being the weekend of Mothering Sunday so naturally I would be super busy the whole time. The result was me beginning all my work once my family left some time in the evening. Now I've had to complete a presentation, a topic summary, extensive notes on everything we've learnt and, just to top it off, revision for an examination she so kindly announced we would be sitting TODAY. So I guess this is my break to prevent me from exploding. It also gives me a chance to post a little update.

I know I said I was going to start posting more regularly but it's all a little bit impossible with how hectic things are becoming, especially since my posts require a certain degree of thought and a reasonable amount of time to write out. Okay, I'm kidding, I put little to no thought in a fair few of my posts. But anyway, considering I refuse to write bullshit like 'how my day was' or 'how I'm currently feeling' (unless it's conveyed through prose or poem) this isn't going to become any easier. ALTHOUGH, I have a couple of things stacked up, including a story I wrote by request from a few of my friends, but I told one of them I'd let him read it first and he said he might even provide illustrations for it, which would be awesome. So, that's on hold, but I also have a story I wrote in a detention class I got myself into last year for forgetting to bring my identification (which distinguishes sixth form students from all the pedophiles that are obviously walking into schools to prey on the young these days) that I could write up. It's one of my more dark, twisted works but I'd rather have it stored here than on some scrunched up piece of paper under my bed or whatever. The funny thing is the detention was in a year 7 English class, so I was surrounded by prick children when I wrote it. I suppose I should thank them for the inspiration. Thank you, prick children.

So yeah, stuff definitely coming. My maths coursework is due this week so that will be out of the way, all that's left is the myriad of fucking geography assignments. Whoop-de-do.

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