Friday, February 15, 2013

Barfum Cake

Guess what, my highly unpopular blog has finally reached 1000 views. Well, that's it, I have achieved the greatest feat of my life. It's all downhill from here.

Anyway, just a quick little opinion I'm going to throw out there. I suppose this kind of belongs on my other blog (SHAMELESSLY PLUGGED RIGHT HERE!) but shut up!
It's about this thing that no doubt every person and their cat has seen or heard about - the motherfucking 'Harlem Shake'. In case you happen to live in a cave in the Himalayan mountains and you have only just now discovered the internet, the 'Harlem Shake' is an internet meme in which the absolutely fucking atrocious song also called 'Harlem Shake' by Baaeur is played as one prick dances on their own, usually surrounded by people acting normally in the background, before a 'filthy drop' occurs and suddenly there are loads of people all dancing like seizure victims around the prick.

Now, I have to admit, I thought this thing was bloody hilarious when it first started circulating earlier this month. But it is RELENTLESS. Everywhere I turn there is a Harlem Shake. It is completely inescapable. It needs to stop. People are saying it's the new 'Gangnam Style', to which I say, from my armchair with tea in hand, "shut the fuck up, you absolutely disgusting piss-mongers". The thing about Gangnam Style was that it was one video, with one crazy man in it. Whereas this vile piffle has gained its popularity through literally hundreds of thousands of videos. It's kind of like saying everybody loves ants. No! People only hang around ants because there are fucking billions of them, they're unavoidable.

Come on people, it's really saying something if people are already sick of a meme that has been around for about 2 weeks. I suppose it's like the whole 'arrow in the knee' Skyrim meme; people started despising that very shortly after it became popular, and now it is well and truly dead. The problem is quantity. I don't mind a good 'arrow in the knee' joke every so often, just like I enjoy a good Harlem Shake from time to time. But when they start showing up in the real world that's where I draw the line. The internet belongs on the internet, and when I've had enough internet for the day I don't want it following me out the fucking door and taking a fucking walk with me down to the fucking mall. IT'S NOT EVEN A GOOD SONG. I mean, maybe that's part of the satire, maybe it's ironic. Don't get me started on irony, I get enough of it from all the hipsters. I'm looking at you, Hugh.


  1. Lol! Why have I never heard of this Harlem Shake!?

  2. Cos you've been living under a rock, bro.

    1. Wrong! I've actually been living in a cave in the Himalayan mountains. Good guess though, bro.

  3. you should move to vietnam cos PDA is not approved of here.
    (although its getting more common).
    and "Thanks" for explaining harlem shake (i'm a rock dweller). you spared me the agony of having to watch any of those gross looking vids in my recommended vids box.
