Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

How creative is that title; I'm really going all out this time. No doubt everyone with a blog will be writing a post today and as much as I consider myself a non-conformist I'll be joining them. However, rather than doing it at night when the day's celebrations draw to an end, I've decided to write this first thing in the morning before I go into school and see all the soppy couples slapping their lips together in front of everyone. I'm sure this doesn't happen everywhere, but at my school the general rule seems to be that if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend whom also attends the school you simply must publicly show off your affection by kissing every so often. This is especially annoying when you're partaking in an interesting conversation with someone and their 'better half' comes along and just starts groping them and licking their face. Seriously? Don't mind me, I'll just watch until you're finished. Y'know, maybe one time I should just say "oh, so is that what we're doing now?" and join in.

Believe it or not, I don't have a valentine this year. In fact I don't really remember ever having a valentine. But no matter, if I had wanted to find someone to spend copious amounts of money on that I don't particularly care for I would have gone looking for someone. To me it's just another day of the week, with material goods flying all over the place. Having said this, I can't help feeling somewhat lonely. Many of my friends have talked about the romantic things they'll be doing today and all I'll be doing is going to my piano lesson and playing badminton, as per usual.

On any other day I would still be feeling spiteful and betrayed for what my girlfriend did to me, but today I just miss her. I'm kidding, I don't feel spiteful and betrayed, I'm over all that now. But anyway, if I could have anything for valentine's day it would be for her to talk to me again. Just like, a 5 minute conversation or an email or whatever. Maybe not for today in particular because she might have a date to go out with, but some time soon. I mean, what a lot of people don't understand is that ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. Now, she's probably fine and doesn't even remember me, but on my side it's quite difficult. Believe me, I don't want to be thinking about her, but by being completely cut off she becomes all I think about for a lot of the time. If we were friends this wouldn't be a problem at all. I'm not going to get my hopes up though, why inconvenience yourself for someone you no longer care about?

Enough of that crap though, my friend said he'd be my valentine for 15 quid, and considering I'm filthy rich and that's just pocket change I might just oblige him. The only problem is he's quite sensitive about the way people perceive him. You see, he's garnered this reputation for being homosexual for some reason and something like this might fuel that reputation. I suppose the worst thing I could do would be to make out with him in front of everyone, hah, that'll teach you for insulting my badminton skills.

I suppose all that's left to say is Happy Valentine's Day, that's to all of you out there, I don't discriminate. Single or with someone, black or white, dead or alive. Your blood all runs the same satisfying red when your skin is removed. Now, go enjoy your day, but don't flaunt your relationships in my face or I might just cut your throat in your sleep :)

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