Monday, March 24, 2014


Okay. So it's 4 in the morning but a thought occurred to me that I couldn't just ignore. I realise this may just be the ramblings of a half asleep madman but hear me out.

I was woken up about 30 minutes ago by something I can only describe as a vibration. I thought I was receiving a call so I checked my phone, yet all I had was a message on Facebook sent a few hours ago. So I tried to get back to sleep but the vibrating started again. Rhythmically, like a phone ringing. I tried ignoring it but it persisted. Eventually I was clutching my head and covering my ears, silently begging for it to stop. I thought that perhaps it was coming from my father's room and that I had developed hyper-keen hearing. However, upon concentration the vibrations morphed into snoring and eventually the snoring morphed into a low hum that resembled the wind. Later, what I believed to be the sound of an engine crept in too, which also morphed into a continuous hum, at a higher pitch. 

It was at this point that I excitedly picked up my phone and began blogging, having come to the conclusion that unidentified sounds can be manipulated by the mind. Either that or I have some sort of power. Or this might be common knowledge and nothing spectacular at all. What's important is that the vibrating went away.

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